Quotes from the Movie The Great Escape

Are all American officers so ill-mannered?

Von Luger

Then perhaps while you are with us you will have a chance to learn some. Ten days isolation, Hilts.

Von Luger

If he falls into our hands once again, he will not be so lucky.

SS Officer

What are you doing over here by the wire?

Sergeant-Hauptmann Strachwitz

Well, like I told Max... I was trying to cut my way through your wire because I want to get out.


Well, like I told Max here, I was trying to get my...


Yeah, about 99 percent.


Right. Oh, uh, you'll still be here when I get out?


I appreciate that. [pause] Something's coming. I can feel it, and it's coming right around the corner at me, Squadron Leader.


How many you taking out?


Two hundred and fifty?


You're crazy. You oughta be locked up. You, too. Two hundred and fifty guys just walkin' down the road, just like that?


Wait a minute. You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire... and case everything out there... and don't get picked up... to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler for a couple of months so you can get the information you need?


Oh, we got a steel rod with hinges on it. We'll shove it up and make air holes as we go along. [to Ramsey] G'night, sir.


It's possible for one man to get out through the wire, even get away, but there are in fact a considerable number of people besides yourself in this camp who are trying to escape.


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